Dude, i love your style, your imagination is craazy.
The tanks are beautiful, and the pencil lines are streight when streight, and perfectly sculpted when curved, the detail in some are awesome. i love the pokémon ones, and the anime. This is very inspiering. (please excuse my pad typing, i'm in a cast). The swords are awesome, and i would love to see more, I started a sketch book on 1/1/10 and would love to upload it to dA when ready.
i can see great ammount of effort in some, but flow in others, you should add colour to your tanks and maybe to your pokémon. but either way it is amazing. i'm guessing your DeviantArt is the same as your username on this (matt-likes-swords) so i will try to find you now.
Once again, Very well done, and i would love to see more.
also, what does epoymous mean in your mcbeth peice